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Installation ​

We’ll go through the steps to get gql.tada set up properly. A quick demo of what this looks like can be found in an example project in the gql.tada repository.

With gql.tada, you'll mainly interact with three different parts of the library:

  • the library code you import from the gql.tada package
  • the TypeScript plugin, gql.tada/ts-plugin
  • and the gql.tada CLI

Step 1 — Installing packages ​

We’ll start by installing gql.tada as a dependency.

npm install gql.tada
pnpm add gql.tada
yarn add gql.tada
bun add gql.tada

Next, we’ll add the TypeScrpt plugin to our tsconfig.json to set it up in TypeScript’s language server. This is the main configuration for both the TypeScript plugin and the gql.tada CLI at the same time.

  "compilerOptions": {
    "strict": true,
    "plugins": [ 
        "name": "gql.tada/ts-plugin", 
        "schema": "./schema.graphql", 
        "tadaOutputLocation": "./src/graphql-env.d.ts"

Setting up gql.tada/ts-plugin will start up a “TypeScript Language Service Plugin” when TypeScript is analyzing a file in our IDE or editor. This provides editor hints, such as diagnostics, auto-completions, and type hovers for GraphQL.

VSCode Setup

There may be extra steps you should take when you're using VSCode. Read about these steps in the "VSCode Setup" section below.

Prior to TypeScript 5.5

There are extra steps you must take when your TypeScript version is older than 5.5. Read about these steps in the "Prior to TypeScript 5.5" section below.

Step 2 — Configuring a schema ​

We’ll need to set up a GraphQL schema for gql.tada to function correctly. Without a schema, no typings and no editor hints will be available, since the schema provides the GraphQL types, fields, and description information of your GraphQL API.

To add a GraphQL schema to gql.tada, we'll be the tsconfig.json's plugin section we've just added and modify the schema option.

  "compilerOptions": {
    "plugins": [
        "name": "gql.tada/ts-plugin",
Configure your schema here
"schema": "./schema.graphql", "tadaOutputLocation": "./src/graphql-env.d.ts" } ] } }

The schema option currently allows for three different formats to load a schema. It accepts either:

  • a path to a .graphql file containing a schema definition (in GraphQL SDL format)
  • a path to a .json file containing a schema’s introspection query data
  • a URL to a GraphQL API that can be introspected
  "compilerOptions": {
    "plugins": [
        "name": "gql.tada/ts-plugin",
        "schema": "./schema.graphql"
  "compilerOptions": {
    "plugins": [
        "name": "gql.tada/ts-plugin",
        "schema": "./introspection.json"
  "compilerOptions": {
    "plugins": [
        "name": "gql.tada/ts-plugin",
        "schema": "http://localhost:4321/graphql"
  "compilerOptions": {
    "plugins": [
        "name": "gql.tada/ts-plugin",
        "schema": {
          "url": "http://localhost:4321/graphql",
          "headers": {
            "Accept": "application/graphql-response+json"

Step 3 — Configuring typings ​

We're now ready to let gql.tada output a typings file. This file is generated on the fly by the TypeScript plugin, and can also be generated using the CLI. Where this file will be saved to is configured in the tsconfig.json file as well using the tadaOutputLocation option.

  "compilerOptions": {
    "plugins": [
        "name": "gql.tada/ts-plugin",
        "schema": "./schema.graphql",
Configure the output typings file location here
"tadaOutputLocation": "./src/graphql-env.d.ts" } ] } }

Depeding on the tadaOutputLocation's configured file extension, there's two separate formats this file can be saved in. For most cases the .d.ts format is recommended for best performance however.

Once we start up our editor, the TypeScript plugin will run and create the output file. In this example, we’ve created a src/graphql-env.d.ts file. When opening this file we should see code that looks like the following:

declare const introspection: {
  __schema: { /*...*/ };

import * as gqlTada from 'gql.tada';

declare module 'gql.tada' {
  interface setupSchema {
    introspection: typeof introspection;

The typings file is a representation of an introspected GraphQL schema and allows types to be inferred for GraphQL documents in the TypeScript type system. After this file is created by automatically, gql.tada is set up project-wide and is ready to be used.

Initializing gql.tada manually ​

With the prior instructions, we can import graphql() from gql.tada directly and start writing GraphQL documents, but this default setup limits what we can do. In a full setup, we want to customize scalars or pass further type configuration to gql.tada.

To customize gql.tada, we’ll create a file that imports the output typings manually and uses the initGraphQLTada() function to create our own graphql() function:

import { 
} from 'gql.tada';
import type {
} from './graphql/graphql-env.d.ts';
export const
}>(); export type {
} from 'gql.tada';
export {
} from 'gql.tada';

This setup is also necessary if we're setting up multiple schemas (for example, in a monorepo), since we'd have multiple output typings files if we're trying to use gql.tada for multiple GraphQL schemas.

Instead of importing graphql() from gql.tada, we should now import it from our custom src/graphql.ts file.

Customizing scalar types ​

Now that we’ve set up a src/graphql.ts file, which uses initGraphQLTada<>() to create a custom graphql function, we may also use this function to customize our scalars.

By default, gql.tada will have types defined for the built-in scalars in GraphQL. However, it won’t be able to know the serialized type of your custom scalars. For instance, our schema may contain a DateTime scalar which, when queried, becomes a string of new Date().toISOString(), however, gql.tada won’t know that this type is a string.

export const 
Define scalar types here
: {
: string;
JSON: any; }; }>();

When using these scalars, they’ll now be mapped to the types in the scalars object type.

Extra Steps ​

A few extra steps may be necessary to install and use gql.tada. These are called out, as needed, in the above sections, so you'll only need to follow these steps depending on your workspace and setup.

Prior to TypeScript 5.5 ​

If you're using a TypeScript version that's older than TypeScript 5.5 you will have to set up the TypeScript plugin differently.

Instead, of using gql.tada/ts-plugin, with older versions of TypeScript we'll install @0no-co/graphqlsp directly. This is a package that contains the TypeScript plugin that gql.tada/ts-plugin uses and aliases.

npm install --save-dev @0no-co/graphqlsp
pnpm add --save-dev @0no-co/graphqlsp
yarn add --dev @0no-co/graphqlsp
bun add --dev @0no-co/graphqlsp

Once @0no-co/graphqlsp is installed as a direct dependency, we'll update the tsconfig.json to use it.

  "compilerOptions": {
    "strict": true,
    "plugins": [
        "name": "gql.tada/ts-plugin", 
        "name": "@0no-co/graphqlsp", 
        "schema": "./schema.graphql",
        "tadaOutputLocation": "./src/graphql-env.d.ts"

VSCode Setup ​

As shown above, gql.tada has a TypeScript plugin to provide editor hints, such as diagnostics, auto-completions, and type hovers for GraphQL. This plugin will load up when your workspace's TypeScript installation is used by your editor's TypeScript server.

However, VSCode won't by default load up your workspace's TypeScript installation and may instead load up a global installation, which prevents the plugin from being loaded up.

To resolve this, you should create a .vscode/settings.json file to prompt you to use the workspace version of TypeScript.

  "typescript.tsdk": "node_modules/typescript/lib",
  "typescript.enablePromptUseWorkspaceTsdk": true

To enable syntax highlighting for GraphQL, you can install the official “GraphQL: Syntax Highlighting” VSCode extension.

Vue and Svelte Support ​

If you're using Vue's .vue files and Svelte's .svelte files, the TypeScript plugin won't be able to run in your editor under normal circumstances. While some implementations exist for TypeScript to run and type check Vue and Svelte files, gql.tada won't have any output in these cases.

However, while the TypeScript plugin may not support .vue and .svelte files, the gql.tada check command does. To enable support for either files, you'll need to install the corresponding support packages.

# for Vue
npm install -D @gql.tada/vue-support
# for Svelte
npm install -D @gql.tada/svelte-support
# for Vue
pnpm add -D @gql.tada/vue-support
# for Svelte
pnpm add -D @gql.tada/svelte-support
# for Vue
yarn add -D @gql.tada/vue-support
# for Svelte
yarn add -D @gql.tada/svelte-support
# for Vue
bun add -d @gql.tada/vue-support
# for Svelte
bun add -d @gql.tada/svelte-support

Once these are installed, the CLI's check and other commands will be able to parse and check external files for gql.tada errors.

Learn more about using the CLI